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  • For Loop in javascript

    By admin | November 5, 2007

    Looping is an essential part of programming you can use looping structure to loop through arrays , variables , etc

    Using it



    <title>Easytutorial.info for loop in javascript</title>



    <script type=”text/javascript”>

    var r = 10



    document.write(“Welcome to easytutorial.info <br>”)





    the above script will print 10 times

    welcome to easytutorial.info


    understand the above statement

    for (i=0 <!– Assigning 0 to i

    ; <!– Sepration Operator –>

    i < = r <! — Condition –>

    i++ <!– Incrementation –>

    { <!– Inside this bracket the code will be executed>  }

    Topics: Javascript | 3 Comments »

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