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  • Making your firefox browser work as new again

    By admin | January 13, 2008

    Now after a month you are feeling that your firefox browser is working sluggishly and you are getting irritated with it and you don’t want to reinstall as if you do so all your extensions will get deleted then what to do i am going to explain it to you.

    First of all make sure that all firefox windows are closed

    Go to start > run And type firefox.exe –profilemanager

    See the image below


    Now a window will pop up with the look below



    Click on create profile > next > enter the name of profile > finish

    Now go to the below adress

    D:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles

    Where D is the windows directory and username is your username

    Now in the above address you will find two profiles one will be default and the other will be the new one you created just now.

    Open the default one you will find a file bookmarks.html copy it and paste it on the new profile directory

    A replace window will pop up click on ok

    Then go to the default profile there you will find a folder extensions open it and copy all it’s content and paste it in new profile > extensions folder

    Now open firefox and get amazed by the new speed it gives



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